Barry & Linda, very enjoyable! I'm sure there are always at least two angels in your home, and that's the two of you. Have a safe and prosperous new year.
A charming host of angels, cherubim and seraphim, and then there are the ones you must see in the mirror! Not to mention certain cherubic grandchildren...
Patty and Reggie Girl pioneered the "My Town" Photo Shoot Out asking us to post photos of our local community every Friday. From a handful of participants it has grown into a world wide phenomenon and is now in the capable hands of ChefE, and GingerV.
This week's theme is ROCKS by ChefE
To see all the contributions to the Friday Shoot Out this week CLICK HERE
Next weeks theme: WATER suggested by Nicole
If you're interested in joining us, just click on the camera below for instructions.
Barry and Linda are pooling forces for the Friday My Town Shoot Out. Are Two Head's and Two Camera's better than one?
Here is how we will find out!
Actually during Barry's illness, and with Linda's return to work full time, this was the only practical way for us to continue to contribute to the Friday Shoots we love so much. So rather than drop out we will double our efforts and continue our Friday posting here.
If you are interested in joining the Friday Shoot Out Gang just click on the camera above to join us!
You have a lovely collection of angels! I like the idea of lurking angels. :)
ReplyDeleteBarry & Linda, very enjoyable! I'm sure there are always at least two angels in your home, and that's the two of you.
ReplyDeleteHave a safe and prosperous new year.
Super post, a real little gem. Have yourselves a great New Year.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean angels tend to gather round your home during the holidays? I'll bet you have a ton of angels hanging out at your home 24/7.
ReplyDeleteA charming host of angels, cherubim and seraphim, and then there are the ones you must see in the mirror! Not to mention certain cherubic grandchildren...
ReplyDeleteHope you are having a blessed Christmas-time,
Angels make me feel comforted for some reason... as a kid I was told over and over again about guardian angels maybe that has something to do with it?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this.
You are graced with many angels indeed! Happy New Year, and happy birthday to Linda!
ReplyDeleteI keep seeing your name on Butler & Bagman and again on Bonnie's site, so I had to come visit. An angelic post! Good health to you for 2010.